Caloricly Dating
Health. Nutrition. Fitness. Love.
A healthy lifestyle is full of good nutrition, fitness, and positive energy. Find your fitness partner. Find your nutritionist. Find love through food.

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Choose by name, specialty and more.
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Ask for feedback. Improve your dating experience.
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Coordinate and make reservations
Top 5
5 Potential partners 'battling' for your love
Why Choose Us
Find a partner focused on Health & Fitness
Health Profile
Only food; No profile pictures unless you match. Make it about your health. Match on shared interests and then determine if there is chemistry.
If you can help others why not? In doing so you'll find the love of your life. Help yourself and others get healthy.
Go on a fitness journey. Go to the gym. Date based upon potential. Experience dating based upon a genuine commitment to health.
Get Rated. Go on more Dates.
Rate each date to unlock future matches. Unlock advanced dating options with each and every date you go on.
If you are 18yrs+ and seeking to make connections with others than RumbleDating.com is for you.
All of our apps have standard and premium features, which include:
- Unlimited Dates
- Unlimited Extends
- Premium Scheduler
- Unlimited Likes
- Destinations (Book Travel and Excursions)
- Whose Interested (Peek and see whose visiting you)
- Advanced Filters
- Advanced Search
- Entertainment (Restaurants, Bars, and Venues)
- Unlimited Rematch
- 5 Super Likes per Week
- Center Stage (1 Free 5 hour Profile Spotlight per Month)
- Discounts & Premium Only Rates for Partnership Restaurants
- Geo-Trotting (Match and Chat with people anywhere in the world)
- Ratings (rate your date; unlock matches)
- Reservations
- Top 5 (potential partners ‘battling’ for your love)
- Collaborate with friends (everyone has an opinion; get feedback)

Premium Features
Why Rumble?
Everyone has different tastes, interests and focus. So we set out to create multiple apps that resonate with different audiences. This aligns with our mission of empowering communities with shared interests to develop meaningful connections everywhere in the world.
Our vision is a world where all relationships are built on interests, safety, accountability, equality, trust, inclusivity, sustainability, kindness, and the values of each person are respected.
We’re different. Where other dating platforms have failed we focus.
We’re private – no prying eyes or AI scanning your connections and conversations. No information or messages shared. Private.
No Bots. Only People. No A.I.
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Most dating/lifestyle apps today focus on swipes – RumbleDating.com focuses on the date.