About Us
Welcome to RumbleDating.com
Helping Find Love (Our Journey)
Rumble Dating LLC was formed in September 2023 in Michigan USA. We’re a very small and scrappy team that is on a journey to disrupt the current “swipe right” dating apps.
We believe that helping people find love, make connections and connect with others is more important that making $.
All apps have a core focus of “In Real-Life” (IRL) dating, so we prioritize going on dates. We enable additional features by receiving feedback from each date.
Our flagship product is the Rumble Dating App. No A.I. just real people engaged in real interactions. Reveal your connection through interactive engagement. Challenge, review and rate every connection. IRL dating is where the magic happens.
- Rate each date to unlock future matches
- Collaborate with friends
- Unlock profiles and matches through “mini games”
- Everyone is hidden until you play
- Not a Hook-Up App
- Go On Dates
Our goal is to impact the lives of 1 million people. We encourage you to share and thanks for helping us on our journey.

We’re a small, scrappy, resourceful and dedicated team located in Michigan. We believe in making an I.M.P.A.C.T.
I = Innovate
M = Meaningful
P = People
A = Accountable
C = Collaborate
T = Teamwork

We are firmly against using any A.I. to extract “insights” into human’s behavior. We don’t perform deep learning or other experiments with your information.
Our tech stack and platform are designed solely to help you engage others in Impactful (interesting, meaningful, purposeful, authentic, caring, truthful) interactions.
We appreciate any suggestions to improve and welcome your feedback.
Why Rumble?
Everyone has different tastes, interests and focus. So we set out to create multiple apps that resonate with different audiences. This aligns with our mission of empowering communities with shared interests to develop meaningful connections everywhere in the world.
Our vision is a world where all relationships are built on interests, safety, accountability, equality, trust, inclusivity, sustainability, kindness, and the values of each person are respected.
We’re different. Where other dating platforms have failed we focus.
We’re private – no prying eyes or AI scanning your connections and conversations. No information or messages shared. Private.
No Bots. Only People. No A.I.
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Most dating/lifestyle apps today focus on swipes – RumbleDating.com focuses on the date.